Steve Tibbett
Based in London, UK. Specialises in advocacy strategy and evaluations, international development, social change and civil society.
Steve is focused on advising on strategy, carrying out evaluations and reviews, and research and writing on international development, social change and civil society.
His client list includes the Enough Food for Everyone IF Campaign, CIVICUS, Oxfam, Amnesty International, Save the Children, the European Climate Foundation, WaterAid, the United Nations Population Fund, Transparency International, and Christian Aid, among many others.
Steve’s core skillset includes advocacy strategy formulation and advice, evaluation design, capacity building on advocacy and campaigning, and campaign management.
He has written and contributed to a diverse portfolio of papers, reports and articles and over many years he has been involved in advocacy efforts and campaigns including on global trade rules, tax havens and international finance.
Previously, Steve led a department for ActionAid where he was director of policy and campaigns. He was also a key member of the organising committee of the Make Poverty History Campaign.
Steve is based in London.