Selected publications by Hub members. Note, many of our reports for clients are not written for publication.
Carolyn Culey
- Countdown for Global Mental Health 2030 monitoring report – Making Mental Health Count; Lead author
- Joining Forces to Leave No One Behind, Development Co-operation Report 2018; Chapter co-author. OECD, 2018
- Mid-term review of the Global Campaign for Education; Co-author
- MakePovertyHistory campaign evaluation; Co-author
Gabrielle Watson
- Beyond Boundaries: Allying human rights with other struggles for economic and social justice. Summary of CESR Convening Lima 29-31 August 2018; as facilitator and lead author of convening report, 2018
- GROW Campaign in Latin America: Evaluation 2011-2015, Executive Summary with Oxfam Management Response, 2016
- Human rights impact assessment in practice: Oxfam’s application of a community-centered approach. Watson, et. al., Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal. Volume 31, Issue 2, 2013
- Rights-based Approaches Learning Project.Rand and Watson. 2008, Oxfam America and Care.
- Advocacy for Social Justice: A Global Action and Reflection Guide, Cohen, de la Vega & Watson, Connecticut: Kumarian Press, 2001
- Incidencia para la Justicia Social: Guía global de acción y reflexión, Cohen, de la Vega & Watson. Quito: Abya Yala, 2004
Jean-Martial Bonis Charancle
- Diversité d’appartenance aux réseaux internationaux ; un changement d’échelle à la hauteur des attentes, Bonis-Charancle J.M., Viélajus Martin, Coordination Sud, 2016
- Les ONG et leurs pratiques de partenariats; nouvelles tendances et nouveaux défis, Bonis-Charancle J.M., Viélajus Martin, Coordination Sud, 2017
- Répondre aux crises. L’AFD, la Fondation de France et le financement des ONG en Haïti suite au séisme, Bonis-Charancle J.M., Dubois Hervé, René Camoens, Série Evaluation conjointe AFD (issn : 2104-8207), 2015
Jeremy Smith
- Mid-term evaluation of the Transparency International Project: Whistle-blower Protection in Europe; Jeremy Smith, with Steve Tibbett, and Martin Clark, October 2019.
- Making a case for change: the value of strategic plausibility in evaluation; co-written with Jim Coe as part of the human rights evaluation discussion of the Open Global Rights platform, August 2015.
- Lessons from campaigning on Darfur; Issue 43, Humanitarian Exchange, Humanitarian Practice Network, June 2009.
- Africa: from voluntary principles to binding standards, an analysis of the Convention for the Prevention of Internal Displacement and the Protection of and Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons in Africa co-authored with Brigitta Jaksa; Forced Migration Review, December 2008.
- Civil Dialogue: Making it Better, an assessment of the internal and external barriers to successful EU advocacy co-authored with Elodie Fazi for the EU Civil Society Contact Group; September 2006.
- Does the European Patients’ Forum represent patient or industry interests? A case study in the need for mandatory financial disclosure, Health Action International, July 2005.
Martin Clark
- Mid-term evaluation of the Transparency International Project: Whistle-blower Protection in Europe; Jeremy Smith, with Steve Tibbett, and Martin Clark, October 2019.
- Mid-Term Review of Habitat for Humanity’s Solid Ground Campaign, Steve Tibbett, with Jim Coe, Martin Clark, and Elena Lucchi, 2018
- Enough Food for Everyone IF: Campaign Evaluation, Steve Tibbett with Chris Stalker and Martin Clark, 2014
- Martin has facilitated the development of a number of conservation strategies, such as Angelshark Action Plan for the Canary Islands, 2016, for which he is listed as co-author
- A Funder Conundrum, An independent research report based on the experiences of The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund, and consultation with grantees, partners, funders and philanthropists; DP Evaluation, Alasdhair Collins and Dörte Pommerening with Martin Clark, 2012
Martin Vielajus
- Le Culturoscope, 70 questions pour aborder l’interculturel, en collaboration avec M. Sauquet, Editions CLM, 2016
- L’intelligence interculturelle – 15 thèmes-clés pour travailler au contact d’autres cultures
en collaboration avec M. Sauquet, Editions CLM, 2014 - La société civile mondiale à l’épreuve du réel (Dir.) Collaboration avec la London School of Economics, ECLM 2009
- Chroniques de la gouvernance. Revue annuelle de l’IRG – Publication France (ECLM) et Chine (2007- 08 – 09-10)
Reports and articles
- Les ONG et leurs pratiques de partenariats; nouvelles tendances et nouveaux défis, J.M Bonis-Charancle, Vielajus Martin, Coordination Sud, 2017
- Diversité d’appartenance aux réseaux internationaux ; un changement d’échelle à la hauteur des attentes ?, J.M. Bonis-Charancle, Vielajus Martin, Coordination Sud, 2016
- Evaluation de l’instrument de financement de l’APD “Convention-Programme (ICP)” à destination des projets d’initiative ONG, Rapport final.J.-M. Bonis Charancle, M. Vielajus, Y. Cissé C. Stalker, 2014
- Vidéos et fiches pédagogiques, Procopil: les outils de la capitalisation, 2014
- Evaluation stratégique de l’instrument PCPA, Rapport final. J.-M. Bonis Charancle, M. Vielajus, S. Colmet-Daage avec l’appui de Z. Mogba, M. Boujrad, O. Wann, 2012
- L’intelligence de l’autre: Observer, questionner, prendre en compte, in Au cœur de La dimension culturelle du management, (A venir).
From peer-based support to self-representation, an emerging actor in the global arena, in Global Civil Society Yearbook 2010, London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LSE University), Sage, 2010 - L’inscription des pratiques d’évaluation dans la réforme de l’action publique, in Chroniques de la gouvernance, ECLM, 2008
- Les acteurs non étatique: le nouveau maillon fort de la gouvernance? in Chroniques de la gouvernance, ECLM, 2009 / 2010
- Légitimité, acteurs et territoires: enraciner la gouvernance dans la diversité des cultures, in La gouvernance démocratique, un nouveau paradigme pour le développement? ,MAEE / Karthala, 2008
- China, NGO’s and accountability, in Revue électronique Open Democracy, August 2008
- L’évaluation des critères d’allocation de l’APD et le rôle de la gouvernance dans l’élaboration d’approches nouvelles de la coopération, in Revue Technique financière et développement, September 2007
Steve Tibbett
- Mid-term evaluation of the Transparency International Project: Whistle-blower Protection in Europe; Jeremy Smith, with Steve Tibbett, and Martin Clark, October 2019.
- We Won’t Accept Hunger: Ambassadors’ Toolkit, ActionAid, Peuples Solidaires, NiZA and Ekvilib Institute, 2012
- Arms Trade Treaty Campaign Evaluation – Amnesty International UK, with Jim Coe and Jeremy Smith., 2013
- Independent External Evaluation of CIVICUS 2008-2010, with Chris Stalker, CIVICUS, 2011
- CAADP: Civil Society Toolkit – Organisation Engagement and Advocacy, ActionAid International, 2011
- Food for Thought: Save the Children’s influencing of the UK Department for International Development on nutrition – evidence and lessons, Save the Children UK, 2010
- Towards a Peoples’ Multilateralism: The United Nations, Development Networks and Civil Society, United Nations Development Programme, 2009
- Golden Opportunity: Recasting the Debate about the Economic and Developmental Benefits of Small-Scale and Artisanal Mining, The Association for Responsible Mining, 2009
- Hole in The Pocket: Why Unpaid Taxes are the Missing Link in Development Finance, ActionAid International, 2008
- Enough Food for Everyone IF: Campaign Evaluation, with Chris Stalker and Martin Clark, Commissioned by the Enough Food for Everyone IF Campaign, 2014
- Mid Term Review of PCD, with Chris Stalker, WaterAid, 2013
- The Manifesto and The Verdict, Make Poverty History campaign, 2004-5
- The Robin Hood Tax, with Andrew Simms, New Economics, and Asian Exchange, 2000
- Militarization and Maldevelopment: The India-Pakistan Arms Race, with A Haroon Akram-Lodhi, Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives and Area Studies, 1997
- The Development Impact of the India-Pakistan Arms Race, with A Haroon Akram-Lodhi, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Working Paper Series, 1996
Selected publications by previous members of the Advocacy Hub
- No Royal Road: Finding and Following the Natural Pathways in Advocacy Evaluation, Jim Coe and Rhonda Schlangen, The Center for Evaluation Innovation, 2019
- The Value Iceberg: Weighing the Benefits of Advocacy and campaigning, Jim Coe BetterEvaluation, 2014
- Monitoring and Evaluation for Human Rights Organizations: Three Case Studies, The Center for Evaluation Innovation, 2014
- Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning in NGO Advocacy, Jim Coe, Oxfam America, 2013
- Shaking the Tree: Evaluating Programs that Combine Services and Advocacy, The Center for Evaluation Innovation, 2012
- Advocacy Evaluation: Looking Through the Right End of the Telescope, Jim Coe, Center for Evaluation Innovation, 2011
- Power and Change, Jim Coe, NCVO, 2010
- Evaluating Capacity Building, Jim Coe, CapacityBuilders, 2009
- Is Your Campaign Making a Difference? Jim Coe NCVO, 2008