Photo: Jeremy Smith

Jeremy Smith

Based in Buxton, UK. Specialises in designing, delivering, monitoring and evaluating campaigns.

Jeremy has wide experience in campaigning and advocacy as coordinator, manager and evaluator. He has conducted evaluations of campaigns and organizational reviews for international NGOs including Greenpeace, Oxfam, Transparency International and the Secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. He led an evaluation of the efforts of Amnesty International to grow its presence in the global south and east, an assessment whose conclusions had profound implications for the organization’s Secretariat.

From these and other evaluations, Jeremy has derived a strong awareness of trends in global civil society activism: the restrictions placed on CSOs in many settings and the pressures that they are under to demonstrate effectiveness and accountability. He has conducted evaluation research in many settings, including Kenya, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe, and has recently cultivated a special interest in the NGO environment in Central and Eastern Europe, conducting evaluations in Poland, Slovakia, Kosovo, Hungary and the Czech Republic.

Jeremy’s publications