Gabrielle Watson
Based in Tamworth, NH, USA. Specializes in developmental evaluation and facilitating team-based strategic reflection & planning.
Gabrielle focuses on practitioner-oriented, real-time strategic planning, evaluation and learning for advocates. She helps teams and organizations assess their work, develop evaluation systems, refine strategies, and build evaluative habits.
As head of Oxfam America’s policy and campaigns evaluation from 2009 to 2015, Gabrielle helped develop Oxfam International’s approach to Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) for policy advocacy and oversaw a growing evaluation team supporting campaign teams in the US and globally. Gabrielle helped develop MEL systems for Oxfam’s GROW and Behind the Brands campaigns.
Since starting Watson Strategies in 2015, Gabrielle focuses her independent consulting work on supporting advocates working to advance human rights and climate change solutions.
Gabrielle is fluent in Spanish and Portuguese and is based in the US.